Case Study: Electronics Manufacturing For Proximity Safety Equipment

MPE Electronics and a client specialising in Proximity Safety Equipment, have worked closely together in a partnership for many years.

Initially our role was to address any production/build issues during the early stages of the manufacture of their products, in order to identify efficient ways to save time and cost. This also meant both parties could understand the product and identify its main cost drivers.

To achieve this outcome, we recorded times and monitored each stage of the manufacturing process. The client was then able to carefully examine the processes and identify opportunities for improvement, in terms of reducing labour time and the design and build process. It allowed them to lower the cost of production and make the product easier to build.

MPE’s Electronics Manufacturing Services

Over the years we have worked with this client to provide full box build assembly services (surface mount through to conventional assembly), in-house certonal coating, testing and programming. Also, for one of their smaller products, ultrasonic welding is required.

For their smaller products, we have supplied up to 8000 pieces per year and 480 pieces per year for one of the bigger assemblies.

This valued client raises a blanket order to cover yearly requirements and also makes additional requests on a monthly basis.

We provide an open book approach, advising them of the timings for certain operations and allowing them to see what operations are taking the most amount of time. This, in turn, drives the overall cost and, with our input, allows them to look at specific operations with a view to improving operational times.

Our partnership approach has helped them towards the end goal of lowering the amount of time taken and has reduced the overall cost of their product.

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